Rural Tourism Association – Tourism in villages is an organization that gathers agricultural households from all over Montenegro who offer tourism services. The Association is established with an intention to do everything that is possible to ensure that rural tourism sector, which is at its very beginning here in Montenegro, grow and improve, and to help the families who live in rural parts and are into agriculture, make some additional incomes, as well as to represent a further incentive to preserve Montenegrin villages.
Our wish is to form a network, to learn from each other, to harmonize the service standards among us, to help in defining regulations which control the sector, but also to cooperate with similar organizations from surrounding and EU countries. There are currently 70 members and we are in regular contact with new ones.
Our Association has been the member of EuroGites Federation since May 2019, an organization that brings together similar organizations in Europe.
The basic aims of the Association:
- Joint promotion
- Work on the removal of barriers
- Harmonization of standards
- Support for new households
The Association is supported by the fACT – Active Citizenship Foundation and The Embassy of the United States of America in Montenegro.